Monday Morning Marathon Meet-Up: Week 11

My total milage for this week was terrible, but for good reason.  I’m surprised I even put in what I did with the Inauguration festivities (partying with Lady Gaga or getting up early to run 8 miles, you tell me?) and the subsequent recovery.  I think I literally bruised the balls of my feet from wearing heels for seven hours straight, two nights in a row.  I’m not sure when I got to the point that a couple of nights out drinking and wearing sexy shoes demands longer recovery than an 18 mile run, but I’m there.

Anyways, latest training rant may sound like an odd one: I miss my gym.  Marathon training is making me skinny fat.  It’s a real thing.  When I’m not training for anything, I mix up my cardio and my weight training fairly evenly.  But when I’ve got a race coming up, I have to prioritize running when I otherwise would be pumping iron.  And even if I had time to do both, I have to be careful.  A Chisel class sometimes makes it difficult to sit on a toilet not equipped for the elderly; running fifteen miles would be out of the question.  I’m already looking forward to going back to my routine.  Getting my money’s worth for the god awful amount I pay for my gym, feeling strong and tone, and being able to beat my husband in a push up contest in the middle of the dance floor at a party.  These things are important to me.

weekly summary

Scheduled Milage: 36 miles
Actual Milage: 23 miles

Long Run Summary:
Once again I was not looking forward to this long run.  I could feel a cold coming on and it’s been freezing here in D.C.  There’s snow on the ground.  So before we left, I stuck my metro card and my credit card in the sleeve of my running shirt.  It felt like putting permission to fail in my pocket.  But I am much more stubborn than that.

Week 11

Pre-run dinner:  Homemade lasagna (recipe to come!)

Pre-run breakfast: Hot Banana Quinoa Breakfast Cake
Hours of sleep: 9
Start time: 12:30pm
Weather: Low 30s and windy, very uncomfortable at points.
Route: Down the mall to the Lincoln, across the Memorial Bridge, left on the Mt. Vernon trail past the airport and towards Alexandria.  We decided to do an out and back, turning around at mile 9.
How I felt: Despite the cold and my cold, I felt okay for the most part.  By mile 14 I was surprised to be feeling as good as I did and still have some gas in the tank.  Except I took a bite of a cliff bar around that time and totally cramped up around mile 16.  I had to stop and walk it out, but otherwise I did alright.
Highlight of run:  Let’s be honest: finishing.
Injuries, aches or pains:  Some discomfort during the run, but afterward my joints felt better than they have for a while. It could be placebo effect, but I credit having finally caved in and splurged on this little friend:

Post-run treat: A bowl of raisin bran with almond milk and three hours in bed watching  Dowton Abbey.

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1 Response to Monday Morning Marathon Meet-Up: Week 11

  1. You ARE my spawn 🙂
    “But I am much more stubborn than that.”

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